Saturday, October 3, 2009

Building Cathedrals

What you do every day is valuable. When you change out that 4th load of laundry, clean up the house at night when everyone else is in bed, nurse that precious baby while cooking dinner, kiss that boo boo and preside over school work--you're making a huge difference.

My mom stayed home with us for the first 18 years of my life. Then she went to work for six years, to put me through college and help support the others while my dad went to seminary. She recently kept her aging mother for 3 grueling years of constant supervision. You don't find that in a box on the shelf at Wal-Mart. That kind of self sacrifice and love is precious and inspiring.

As Classical moms we follow a philosophy of modeling. When I was brand new to CC and my oldest was in 2nd grade I marveled at the women who were teaching high schoolers (still do) and thought that the Masters class looked worlds away. I watched every week as Laurie Stegall sat in the hallway during Foundations and worked advanced math problems to prepare for teaching Challenge III (high school juniors). I watched Pam Agresti spend her summer learning Latin so she could teach it in the fall. I also watched her send her oldest on to college. I talked on the phone to Cynthia Zielny who was reading Shakespeare by the pool on her vacation. Guess what she's teaching in Challenge I (Freshmen) this year? The list goes on and on. Now I have a child in the Masters class and we're staring down Challenge pretty soon. I'm so grateful for those who have gone before me and are modeling how it's done.

We have little eyes watching us and some big eyes too. We may feel invisible at times, but the rewards are huge. I still call my mom every once in a while and tell her how blessed I am to have her and how blown away I still am by her many sacrifices. I probably ought to pick up the phone and call some of my homeschooling friends who are blazing the trail for me too.

Be encouraged and blessed, my precious friends, as you nurture real life in those around you. Remember that we just plant seeds and water: God makes it grow.

Thank you, Laurie, for passing along this video clip. It is, indeed, inspiring. Build away, Ladies!

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